Terms & Conditions for Dubaitable Club and Restaurant Bookings:
1. *Reservation Confirmation:*   - All bookings are subject to availability.   - Confirmation of a reservation is provided based on availability at the time of the request.
2. *Cancellation Policy:*   - Cancellations or amendments to bookings must be made within the specified time frame.   - Failure to cancel within the stipulated time may result in charges or forfeiture of a deposit.
3. *Deposits and Payments:*   - Some bookings may require a deposit or pre-payment to secure the reservation.   - Payment terms are subject to the specific policies of the respective club or restaurant.
4. *Arrival Time and Duration:*   - Guests are expected to arrive promptly for their reservation.   - Reservations are held for a limited time, and any delay may affect the allocated duration.
5. *Dress Code and Conduct:*   - All guests are expected to adhere to the venue's specified dress code and behavioral standards.   - Management reserves the right to refuse entry to patrons not complying with these standards.
6. *Menu and Services:*   - Menus and services are subject to change without prior notice, based on availability and the discretion of the venue.
7. *Liability and Responsibility:*   - Dubaitable and its affiliates do not assume liability for any losses, damages, or injuries during a guest's visit to a club or restaurant.   - Any personal belongings are the responsibility of the guest.
8. *Age Restrictions:*   - Some venues may have age restrictions or specific entry requirements. It's the guest's responsibility to ensure compliance.
9. *Privacy and Data:*   - Personal information provided for bookings is handled in accordance with privacy laws and our privacy policy.
10. *Discretion and Changes:*   - Dubaitable reserves the right to modify, update, or change these terms and conditions at its discretion without prior notice.
11. *Booking Fee:*

• A separate booking fee applies, which is not included in the minimum spend or any prepaid deposits. This fee is exclusive of any other charges related to the reservation and will be disclosed at the time of booking.

By making a reservation through Dubaitable for club or restaurant bookings in Dubai, you acknowledge and accept these terms and conditions.